Jonas forever
and ever and ever♥
The star of our Grumble, Jonie, peacefully crossed the Rainbow Bridge on April 28 to join his sister, Chloe. This journey continues to be guided and inspired by their ever-loving spirits from just across the veil…

“Love is the bridge between you and everything"
- Rumi -
Stay tuned as we update Grumble Farm’s website to offer loving support, guidance, and comfort to animal guardians & caregivers at the end-of-life & beyond. The Heavenly Grumble & I are working on creating numerous resources to support your grieving journey by helping you remember that love never dies ♥

“All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses, And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.”
- Walt Whitman -
If there is something specific regarding senior, palliative/hospice & end-of-life caregiving, or pet loss grief, mourning and bereavement that you would like support with and/or resources on, please let me know by reaching out via the contact form below or sending me a direct e-mail at ♥
While I can’t respond personally to requests & submissions, I do read each & every word.