I've been following Grumble Farm for a couple of years now. I came across Brandy’s account because I was looking for people that loved pugs as much as I do, and when Grumble Farm Pug Rescue was suggested, I immediately clicked the follow button. It turns out that I not only found someone that loved and rescued pugs, but I someone who loved tattoos, lived with an ostomy (at the time), and who rode with her Dad on his Harley. I have watched Brandy go through so much as she’s shared the good and bad things in her life with honesty and courageous bravery. I cried with her when she rescued Bali Chloe; I cried with her when her 8 year relationship ended. I have laughed with her on her pug walks and always looked forward to seeing which pugs shehad in the back seat of her car for her #GrumbleOfTheDay walks. I was always amazed how she could get so many pugs to wear boas and sit still on a park bench for a photo shoot, and I was also amazed that #ChefJonie could help her cook and then pose for a picture with the food and not jump up and start eating it. My heart would melt watching Ivy carry her rope through the house. Brandy’s openness and honesty about having an ostomy and how she dealt with having one and how it affected her life brought back memories from earlier years when I had one. I was with her in thought and prayer when she had your reversal surgery, and I rejoiced in her joy after the surgery when she was ostomy-free after having one for almost 4 years. I am now enjoying watching her happiness with Jesse and the adventures that the two of them have with the Grumble. Although we have never “met”, I love Brandy like a granddaughter - she is so real and honest about everything, and I am looking forward to seeing all of her new adventures.
-@cliff.houser.ch (Texas, USA)