I discovered Grumble Farm at a time in my life where I was struggling with depression & anxiety. As I watched her stories and posts, I fell in love with the whole crew - I would laugh & giggle when I saw certain things, especially #ChefJonie & #IvysRope!!! My husband started to notice the videos, too, because they made me smile & laugh. After about 4 months of consuming her great content, I noticed that Brandy was hosting an event for Jonas’s 11th birthday party in order to raise money for a great cause. My husband teased me that if I went, I was going to totally Fan Girl when I met them all. Truthfully, I was a little nervous to meet them. What if they were different in person? What if she doesn’t even remember me? When we walked into the party, I looked at Brandy & she looked at me before we both said each others names & then like in a movie she squealed and came running into my arms! I thought in that moment, she’s real - just like in the videos. Brandy is so sweet, edgy, and totally lovable - it was an instant friendship, and she made me feel like the only person in the room. Brandy has that ability to make you feel special, just like when she spends time with each of the pugs & knows them all so well. You will feel like a part of the Grumble when you watch her amazing videos. It has been an honour to watch her grow & heal, and it is apparent that she is becoming a bad ass woman who is starting to see her worth. It has also been amazing to watch Brandy & Jesse fall for each other… they are so happy & now living their best life. It truly makes my heart burst with joy to see them all thriving!!!
Jesse has been such a Beautiful addition to the Grumble. He is one of the most talented photographers that I have seen. He is skilled with using his drone & the footage he takes is stunning & truly breathtaking - it really helps you feel like you are right there as a part of the Grumble. The reason I continue to watch them all is that they are living an authentic life & they let us in in a way that makes you feel at home. I can’t wait to continue watching them all continue on their journey - thank you for letting me in!
-@deannatretiak (Calgary, AB)