
I first connected with Brandy when she was starting up Grumble Farm as a pug rescue organization in 2018. She was looking for some vet quotes for her very first rescues, Sanford and Chelsea. I reached out to her on Instagram and told her that the veterinary clinic I worked at offered free dental quotes. A few years later and Brandy has manifested a perfect little life for her and her own babies. I have been following Brandy and the pugs for a long time now, and have seen them go through SO much together. Sharing their daily lives, or even just telling stories has always brought some form of joy to my day. I look forward to watching what adventures Jonas, Fern, and Ivy get up to. Grumble Farm is so much more than a page about pugs, and I am so proud to see the direction that Grumble Farm has gone because I always knew Brandy was destined to do amazing things and be such an inspiration ♥ 

@kristinapiche (Calgary, AB)



