Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


Following along with Brandy’s personal journey has been an inspiration, to say the least. In the face of countless adversities, her gritty and grounded attitude has continued to shine. No matter what the activity – whether she is hosting a pug yoga event, connecting with nature, sharing delicious recipes (crafted by her and her magnificent assistant, #ChefJonie), or anything else – she always gives it her all.

@b04carpediem (Rhode Island, USA)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


I’ve been following along with the Grumble Farm journey for a few years now, and I can’t even begin to explain how much joy and learning has come from it. Brandy inspires me every day with her passion and vulnerability - she isn’t afraid to talk about the tough shit and tell the world what’s up. I am so damn grateful for Grumble Farm and its impact on my life - thank you for always sharing your voice and your heart.

@lesiabzdel (Kelowna, B.C.)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


Grumble Farm is *ALWAYS* a high point in my day. Brandy has an awesome, down to earth, and humble approach to life, with a love for adventure and exploring the world around her, with her minion-pugs in tow. To see the world through the eyes of Grumble Farm is a unique perspective that is bound to engross & entertain, and not just another “blog” or dime-a-dozen content creator. Bookmark them - I’ll personally eat my hat if you find yourself regretting it.


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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


Following Grumble Farm has been an intensely extraordinary adventure. This online journey has me consistently enthralled - Brandy is an honest, hilarious, compassionate, eloquent and interactive human. She has this effortless way of making others feel seen and heard, and is sincerely responsive to humour and genuine conversation. Grumble Farm livens up its followers timelines with multitudes of joy, love, personality, and laughter, as well as some great candid moments, immensely beautiful presentation, and most importantly: PUGS!


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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


After discovering Grumble Farm on Instagram, and engaging with her infectious personality, I truly began to appreciate the transparency compassion that Brandy exudes. She has always been gracious and kind to the people in her life as she travels alongside her followers, taking them with her amidst her trials and successes, pain and comforts. I cannot say enough about Brandy and her little Grumble, and encourage any spirit-searching being to follow along their journey as they discover new ways of living, loving, and pugging.

@unpetit.flaneur (Calgary, AB)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


The first time I reached out to Brandy, her response was unlike any other “famous IG page”... because it was REAL. I could almost hear her voice while I read the message, and could tell she was coming into that conversation with the intent of being her true self, which is rare to find these days. Over time, I can honestly say I’ve seen her grow and prosper into a woman I still have yet to “meet”, but feel like I know personally as a friend. She makes me smile with her witty comments, hilarious pug pictures, and stories. Her recent move to the West Kootenays with Jesse has started to show an even happier, brighter person than I already knew, and I am so excited to see where this new love story & growth is going to take her!

@abbycross94 (Welland, Ontario)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


I discovered Grumble Farm at a time in my life where I was struggling with depression & anxiety. As I watched her stories and posts, I fell in love with the whole crew - I would laugh & giggle when I saw certain things, especially #ChefJonie & #IvysRope!!! You will feel like a part of the Grumble when you watch her amazing videos. It has been an honour to watch her grow & heal, and it is apparent that she is becoming a bad ass woman who is starting to see her worth. I can’t wait to continue watching them all continue on their journey - thank you for letting me in!

@deannatretiak (Calgary, AB)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


I have been following Brandy and the pugs for a long time now, and have seen them go through SO much together. Sharing their daily lives, or even just telling stories has always brought some form of joy to my day. I look forward to watching what adventures Jonas, Fern, and Ivy get up to. Grumble Farm is so much more than a page about pugs, and I am so proud to see the direction that Grumble Farm has gone because I always knew Brandy was destined to do amazing things and be such an inspiration ♥

@kristinapiche (Calgary, AB)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


“Grumble farm has been a treat to watch the last few years; from navigating canyons and mountains, to the real life moments of heart break, loss, love and health struggles. I love the no bullshit real life commentary, coupled with comedy and awe inspiring photography.”

@mikalasmusings (Calgary, AB)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)

I have watched Brandy go through so much as she’s shared the good and bad things in her life with honesty and courageous bravery. I am now enjoying watching her happiness with Jesse and the adventures that the two of them have with the Grumble. Although we have never “met”, I love Brandy like a granddaughter - she is so real and honest about everything, and I am looking forward to seeing all of her new adventures. (Texas, USA)

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Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm) Brandy & The Girlie Goos (Grumble Farm)


If I’m sad or having a bad day, I know I can go on Instagram and check out Grumble Farm, and it will make my day. I’ve become friends with Brandy, and really enjoy her life stories, writing, and the passion she has for life. She has opened my eyes to many issues happening in the world that I had no idea about, and I’m super appreciative of that. I cannot wait to see the adventures they all get up to in the future and the beautiful life being captured along the way.

@koronka (Canmore, AB)

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